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permet l'intégration du plugin jQuery FooTable pour afficher des tableaux en responsive sur mobile.


Status : Published
Projects : Modules
Maintenance status : Minimally maintained
Development status : Maintenance fixes only
Supported Branches : 8.x-1., 8.x-2.
shield Stable releases for this project are covered by the security advisory policy.


This module provides integration for the jQuery FooTable plugin for creating responsive tables. The FooTable plugin allows wide tables to appear as usual on large displays but on smaller screens it can hide certain columns within expanding and collapsing rows.

FooTable 7.x-1.x

The 7.x-1.x release of this module provides integration with V2 of the FooTable jQuery Plugin. Currently the recommended minimal version is V2.0.1.4.

FooTable 7.x-2.x

The 7.x-2.x release of this module provides integration with V3 of the FooTable jQuery Plugin. Currently the recommended minimal version is V3.1.4.


The FooTable module requires the following modules:

The FooTable plugin also requires atleast jQuery version 1.7 which requires either one of the following modules:

FooTable 7.x-2.x

The 7.x-2.x release of the FooTable module also requires the following modules:

If you're using the standalone version of the FooTable plugin, you need to include the Font Awesome font in your project. The easiest way to do this is by installing the following module:


See the README file for detailed installation instructions.


  • When creating a view, select the FooTable format.
  • Click on the Settings link, under the Format section.
  • Scroll down to the FooTable Settings section.
  • Designate the column to be used for the Expandable column setting.
  • Under the Collapsed Columns section, choose the "breakpoints" for which each column should be hidden.

For more details, see the FooTable screencast on or Ivan Zugec's blog post, Responsive Tables In Drupal 7 With FooTable, on


This module would not be possible without the FooTable plugin itself. Thanks to Bradvin & Steveush for making it available and to all the others who helped inspire it.

This module is largely based on code from the DataTables module. Many thanks to Duellj for developing and contributing that module.

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