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  • Code
  • Documentation
  • Miscellaneous
  • User interface
  • GeoField Map





permet de stocker, gérer et représenter des données géographiques dynamiques et des fonctions de Geocodage.


Status : Published
Projects : Modules
Maintenance status : Actively maintained
Development status : Under active development
Supported Branches : 8.x-1.
shield Stable releases for this project are covered by the security advisory policy.


Provides a geo-location field for storing and managing geographic data, enabling the integration of maps, geocoding and location-based functionalities. It supports all geo-types (points, lines, polygons, multi types geometries), and integrates with various Js Mapping Libraries (Google Maps, Leaflet, etc.)

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Widgets (Data Input)

Latitude and Longitude

Supports entering data as both Decimal Degrees (122.340932) and Degrees-Minutes-Seconds (-123° 49' 55.2" W).

Well Known Text (WKT)

A textarea for direct WKT input

Bounding Box

Four text fields where lat / lon can be entered

Geocode from another field

There is native integrations with the Geocoder module (
This allows you to use data from one field to populate your geofield automatically.

Formatters (Data Output)

Latitude and Longitude

Supports display as both Decimal Degrees (122.340932) and Degrees-Minutes-Seconds (-123° 49' 55.2" W)

Well Known Text (WKT)

Google Maps and Leaflet Maps (OpenLayers only for D7)

Display your data on a map, integrating other Drupal Geofield Mapping modules (see below).


For Drupal 7 version all you need to do is install the Drupal GeoPHP module, which is required by geofield.

Drupal 9 & 10, and GeoPHP library dependency

Since 8.x-1.0-alpha2 version, this module is not depending on Drupal GeoPHP module anymore.

The Drupal 8 & 9 version of Geofield module needs to be installed using Composer, it means simply running the following command from your project root (where the main composer.json file is sited):

$ composer require 'drupal/geofield'

This process will also download the required GeoPHP library dependency (that will be sited in the /vendor folder).

For further information, see Installing Drupal Modules].


Once enabled the module it will be possible to add a "Geofield" field type to
any entity type/bundle and then choose the preferred widget or formatter.

Advanced Mapping and Geocoding with Geofield

Geofield perfectly matches and extends itself with its dependent most adopted third party modules, such as:

  • Geofield Map: an advanced, complete and easy-to-use Geo Mapping solution that lets you manage the Geofield with an interactive Map both in back-end and in the front-end
  • Leaflet: Drupal advanced integration with the Leaflet JS mapping library. Advanced features for creating and editing Points and Geometries Layers (Linestring, Polygon) so as for managing Leaflet Views styles and Formatters;
  • Geocoder: Most advanced, complete and easy to use solution to process Geocode and Reverse Geocode operations on Drupal Entities;
  • Address Field: Holds internationally compatible postal addresses based on xNAL. Compatible with Geocoder;
  • Search API Location: Adds geospatial-based searching to the Search API module;
  • and many others (created in the wild by the Drupal community) ...



Thanks to all contributing developers of the Geofidld module (so as many others who have helped with bug fixing and documentation).

A special thanks to the following organization for sponsoring the development of initial Geofield for Drupal 7 version: HighWire Press, Phase 2, and GeoScienceWorld

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