Ultimate Cron

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  • Plugins






permet de créer de multiple cron, parallèle


Status : Published
Projects : Modules
Maintenance status : Actively maintained
Development status : Under active development
Supported Branches : 8.x-2.
shield Stable releases for this project are covered by the security advisory policy.


The Ultimate Cron handling for Drupal.
Runs cron jobs individually in parallel using configurable rules, pool management and load balancing.


This is a port of the 7.x-2.x branch to Drupal 8, using config entities and the Drupal 8+ plugin system.

See https://befused.com/drupal/ultimate-cron/ and the README for an overview on how the module works and how to discover jobs.

All information below this is for the Drupal 7 version.

Drupal 7.x 2.11 READY!

Ultimate Cron 7.x-2.11 is out now.
Ultimate Cron 1.x documentation can be found at https://drupal.org/node/1666944

The old project page for Ultimate Cron 1.x can be found at https://drupal.org/node/2195381


  • No more dependency to Background Process. Ultimate Cron now works without Background Process. However, Background Process is still supported for true parallelism
  • Refactored to use cTools plugins, making it easier to extend Ultimate Cron.
  • Now includes the daemonizer and queue throttling features, previously found in the modules Ultimate Cron Daemonizer and Ultimate Cron Queue Scaler
  • Hopefully a more robust lock and logging mechanism.
  • Integration with nodejs for live update on cron page
  • Nagios support has not been re-implemented

Upgrade path from 7.x-1.x and previous

Upgrading from an earlier version of Ultimate Cron to a 7.x-2.x version has some caveats. See the documentation.


Ultimate Cron is built upon 4 plugin types.

  • Settings: - plugins that provide custom settings for jobs (bundled: general, queue).
  • Schedulers: - plugins that provide a mechanism for whether or not a job should run at a certain time (bundled: simple, crontab).
  • Launchers: - plugins that provide a way of launching jobs (bundled: serial, background_process).
  • Loggers: - plugins that provide a logging backing for job status (bundled: database, cache).

Ultimate Cron 7.x-2.x documentation can be found at https://drupal.org/node/2195383


  • Works out-of-the box in most cases (or aims to)
  • Parallel execution of cron jobs
  • Configuration per job (enable/disable, rules, etc.)
  • Multiple rules per cron job
  • Pool management and load balancing using Background process
  • Support for Drupal Queues
  • Overview of cron jobs
  • Log history of cron jobs
  • Status/error messages per cron job, providing easy debugging of troublesome cron jobs
  • Uses hook_cronapi() (Elysia Cron compatible, NOT 2.x, please use hook_cron_alter() for similar functionality)
  • hook_cron_alter() for easy adding/manipulating cron jobs
  • Poormans cron with keepalive a granularity of 1 minute
  • Drush support (list, start, enable/disable jobs from the command line)


Supported 3rd party modules


Declaring new cron jobs

From ultimate_cron.api.php


 * Inform Ultimate Cron about cron jobs.
 * Note that the result of this hook is cached.
 * @return array
 *   Array of cron jobs, keyed by name.
 *    - "title": (optional) The title of the cron job. If not provided, the
 *      name of the cron job will be used.
 *    - "file": (optional) The file where the callback lives.
 *    - "module": The module where this job lives.
 *    - "file path": (optional) The path to the directory containing the file
 *      specified in "file". This defaults to the path to the module
 *      implementing the hook.
 *    - "callback": (optional) The callback to call when running the job.
 *      Defaults to the job name.
 *    - "callback arguments": (optional) Arguments for the callback. Defaults
 *      to array().
 *    - "enabled": (optional) Initial state of the job. Defaults to TRUE.
 *    - "tags": (optional) Tags for the job. Defaults to array().
 *    - "settings": (optional) Default settings (plugin type) for this job.
 *      Example of a job declaring some default settings for a plugin called
 *      "some_plugin":
 *      'settings' => array(
 *        'some_plugin' => array(
 *          'some_value' => 60,
 *        ),
 *      ),
 *    - "scheduler": (optional) Default scheduler (plugin type) for this job.
 *      Example of a job using the crontab scheduler as default:
 *      'scheduler' => array(
 *        'name' => 'crontab',
 *        'crontab' => array(
 *          'rules' => array('* * * * *'),
 *        ),
 *      ),
 *    - "launcher": (optional) Default launcher (plugin type) for this job.
 *      Example of a job using the serial launcher as default:
 *      'launcher' => array(
 *        'name' => 'serial',
 *        'serial' => array(
 *          'thread' => 'any',
 *        ),
 *      ),
 *    - "logger": (optional) Default logger (plugin type) for this job.
 *      Example of a job using the cache logger as default:
 *      'logger' => array(
 *        'name' => 'cache',
 *        'cache' => array(
 *          'bin' => 'mycachebin',
 *        ),
 *      ),
function hook_cronapi() {
  $items = array();

  $items['example_my_cron_job_1'] = array(
    'title' => t('This is my cron job #1'),
    'file' => 'example.jobs.inc',
    'file path' => drupal_get_path('module', 'example') . '/cron',
    'callback' => 'example_my_cron_job_callback',
    'callback arguments' => array('cronjob1'),
    'enabled' => FALSE,
    'tags' => array('example'),
    'settings' => array(
      'example_plugin' => array(
        'example_setting' => 'example_value',
    'scheduler' => array(
      'name' => 'crontab',
      'crontab' => array(
        'rules' => array('* * * * *'),
    'launcher' => array(
      'name' => 'serial',
      'serial' => array(
        'thread' => 'any',
    'logger' => array(
      'name' => 'cache',
      'cache' => array(
        'bin' => 'my_cache_bin',

  return $items;


In fact, all options are optional, so the most minimal way of declaring a new cronjob is:

 * Implements hook_cronapi().
function example_cronapi() {
  $items = array();
  $items['example_my_cron_job'] = array();
  return $items;

 * The callback for the cron job,
function example_my_cron_job($job) {


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