Views Autocomplete Filters

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permet de créer des filtres de recherche en autocomplete


Status : Published
Projects : Modules
Maintenance status : Minimally maintained
Development status : Maintenance fixes only
Supported Branches : 2.0., 8.x-1.
shield Stable releases for this project are covered by the security advisory policy.



The Views Autocomplete Filters module extends views text fields filter with autocomplete functionality. The supported filters are:

  • "combine" - allows to search on multiple fields (core/views).
  • "search_api_fulltext" - fulltext search (search_api).
  • "search_api_text" - fulltext fields search (search_api).
  • "string" - allows to search on multiple fields (core/views).

Some benefits of the Views Autocomplete Filters are:

  • Quick find the desired entity by its title or unique text field
  • Find all entities that shares a common string value from a field. Example: All nodes that are created by a specific user name.


This module requires the following module:

  • Views - core module.


This module integrates with the following module:


  1. Enable the module at Administration > Extend.
  2. Navigate to Administration > Structure > Views and create a View Page and chose desired "Display format" of "fields" for the desired content entities.
  3. Add the field that you want to autocomplete filter, for example "Title".
  4. Add the same field filter and set it "Exposed".
  5. Be sure you select the right operator, usually "Contains" option is desired.
  6. Then you should have the "Use Autocomplete" checkbox available.
  7. After you checked this option you will abe able to see this module filter settings.
  8. You will need to select "Field with autocomplete results", for the example given, chose "Title".
  9. Wii all those configuration set you should be able to have an autocomplete filter available for the view created.

You could also build filters of the referenced entities fields by using View Advanced "Relationships" configuration. You need to make sure you add the correct "Relationship" and then add the desired field and filter of the referenced entities using this relationship.

"Non Drupal" Supporting organizations:
some D7 development & maintenance  TOP EXPRESS
Initially sponsored by: viennaresidence

Supporting individuals:
Tavi Toporjinschi - vasike

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